Hi, I'm Nandan

FrontEnd Developer

Good Knowledge about frontend and backend. Experience in development and quality work.

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About Me

My Introduction

Recently Undergraduate Strudent at GEC Haveri, Karnatak. More passionate about Web development and OpenSource Enthusiast...

Self-Taught Developer with a passion for Web Development and Problem Solving.I have strong background in Software Development and have worked on a wide variety of projects.


My technical level


What i offer

Frontend developer

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  • I develop the user Interface

  • Web page development

  • Animation the elemetns on scrolling

  • Provide to you quality work

Backend developer

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  • I write better quality code

  • Assess efficiency and speed

  • Provide right database and security


My Recent Works

WhatsApp Clone

Introducing a MERN-based WhatsApp clone, communication features just like the original app.

Swiggy Clone

Swiggy clone using Reactjs and Material UI, including features just like the original app.

YouTube Clone

YouTube clone using Reactjs and Material UI, including features just like the original app.

Movies App

Movies App which includes all movie details like Netflix app. Built using Mern application

News App

It is all about searching and retrieving live articles from web and displayed in UI.

Weather App

A weather website using Html,Css,and JavaScript that provides current forecasts.


Most Recent Certificates

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Bangalore, Karnatak
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